Thursday, January 1, 2009

Daniel's Photos In The New Hospital

Like MANY other area photographers, both amateur and professional, I have several photographs hanging in the beautiful new Clarian Arnett Hospital in Lafayette. I believe there are a few more of my photographs in one or more of the Indianapolis hospitals too, but I haven't seen those yet.


Simple Daisy said...

Hi there..
That's great!!
Not too sure if you remember me from taking your class...but I know you are the computer guru and I have some questions about why my new computer won't hook up to wireless??? Great to see your photography is doing well~

Daniel G. McNulty said...

Hi! Of course I remember you from class. I'd be happy to try and help you. Send me an email when you get a chance or call my office. We'll see if we can get your wireless figured out.

Simple Daisy said...

What's your e-mail?? I tried to link to it..but my computer wouldn't let me!! Thanks~